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Take a break, we’re on Smoko! We’re joined by Stephanie Hogewoning, the Academic Chair of the School of Transportation at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. In this episode, we explore Stephanie's journey into aviation. Raised in a family of pilots, her initial disinterest shifted when sensory experiences at airports reignited her fascination with aviation.

High school challenges prompted Stephanie's father to suggest aviation as a career. She enrolled in SAIT's avionics technology program, which became a transformative turning point in her life. Stephanie excelled, discovering her passion for avionics and electronics.

Her career began as an installation technician, eventually leading her to Antarctica, where she was part of the British Antarctic Survey. She describes the breathtaking beauty and unique environment of Antarctica, and highlights the responsibilities and challenges of her role, which included being the only avionics specialist on the entire continent. 

Stephanie's story comes full circle as she returns to SAIT, not as a student, but as an instructor. In this role, she imparts her knowledge and experiences to the next generation of aviation technicians.

Overall, Stephanie's inspiring journey underscores the power of mentorship, the significance of family influences, and the resilience required to excel in a male-dominated industry like aviation. Her story stands as a testament to the importance of discovering one's passion and pursuing it with unwavering determination.

Listen to this episode here.

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